Innovative Ways to Resize Sweaters Without Sewing: A Complete Guide

Have you ever felt the need to make your sweater/sweatshirt smaller? Well, you’re not alone. The truth is that many people want to make their sweaters smaller. If you’re one of them, then you have come to the right place. Let’s talk in detail about how to make a sweater smaller without sewing. If you want to make a sweater smaller without sewing, here are a few methods you can try.

One of the best methods to make the sweater smaller is in the wash. This is one of the easiest and most effective methods of reducing the size of a sweater. Simply wash the sweater in hot water and then put it in the dryer on a high heat setting. The heat will cause the fibers in the sweater to shrink, making it smaller.

How to make a sweater smaller without sewing

How to make a sweater smaller without sewing

In this post, I will discuss three different methods to make a sweatshirt smaller without sewing. By using hot water along with detergents, By using a steam iron, and by using a dryer. Not the size of all fabrics decreased with heat easily. Read the company tag on the sweatshirt. If the recommendation is to wash with cold water then wash with hot water to make the sweatshirt smaller.

Which material could shrink with hot water?

If the stuff is made of pure cotton or cotton polyester you will enjoy shrinking. Cotton is easy to shrink with heat or boiling water. If your sweater is made of nylon or synthetic fiber then you are unlucky. You cannot make nylon or synthetic fiber smaller with heat. For such material you to use the hemming tape method.

Some natural fibers, such as cotton, will shrink more than others when exposed to heat or boiling water. The amount of shrinkage can also depend on the type of weave and knit used in the fabric. For example, a tightly woven woolen fabric may shrink less than a loosely woven one. Additionally, some fabrics may only get smaller in one direction, while others may get smaller in many directions.

Things to keep in mind

Before attempting to make your sweater smaller with hot water, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid damaging the garment:

  • Read the care label: Check the care label of the sweater to make sure it can be washed in hot water without damage. Some materials, like wool and silk, may not react well to boiled water.
  • Consider the size: Make sure the sweater is too big before attempting to make it smaller. While measuring the size don’t pull the material too tightly. Shrinking the sweater too much can result in an ill-fitting garment that cannot be worn.
  • Test with a small area: If you’re unsure about how the sweater will react to hot water, test a small area first. Wet a small section of the sweater and see if it is made smaller as desired.
  • Use the right temperature: Hot water is typically around 120-140°F (49-60°C). Make sure the water is not too hot, or it may damage the sweater.
  • Use a gentle detergent: Look for a gentle detergent appropriate for the sweater material to avoid damaging the fibers.
  • Don’t use bleach: Bleach or detergents having bleach could damage your sweater. It can fade the color of your garment.
  • Don’t leave it in for too long: Don’t leave the sweater in the hot water for too long. The longer it’s in the water, the more it will become smaller. Keep checking frequently for the size that best fits you.
  • Dry it carefully: After washing, reshape the sweater and lay it flat to dry. Don’t hang it or put it in the dryer for a long time, as this may cause it to stretch or warp.
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By following these guidelines, you can make your sweater smaller without damaging and sewing. It creates a garment that fits well and looks great. In this post, I will discuss four methods on how to make a sweater smaller without sewing.

Method 1: By using hot water and detergent

Things needed for this method are hot water, a sink or bathtub, and detergent. 1. Fill a sink or bathtub with hot water. 2. Add the detergent and stir. 3. Soak the clothes in the detergent solution for a few minutes. 4. Rinse the clothes in the hot water.

  • Fill a basin or sink with hot water. The temperature of the water should be appropriate for the fabric of the sweater, as indicated on the care label.
  • Add a small amount of gentle detergent to the water and mix well.
  • Immerse the sweater in the water, making sure it is completely submerged.
  • Let the sweater soak in the hot water for about 20 to 30 minutes. This will help to relax the fibers and make the fabric more pliable.
  • After soaking, remove the sweater from the water and gently squeeze out any excess water. Do not wring or twist the sweater, as this can cause stretching and damage to the fabric.
  • Lay the sweater on a flat surface, and use your hands to gently stretch and shape the fabric to the desired size. Be sure to maintain the sweater’s original proportions and shape as you do this.
  • Allow the sweater to air dry completely. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce the size of your sweatshirt. If you do not get the desired results repeat the process.

If you are shrinking your fiber using a wet method, it is important to evenly distribute the heat throughout the fiber. This can be done by either preheating the water or using a hot water bath.

The potential problem with this method is that fiber may become smaller unevenly leading to uneven fitting. Solution: To avoid this turn the sweater inside out and make sure the fabric is completely submerged. Don’t use hot or boiling water to wash polyester material.

Method 2: By using a steam iron

The second method is to reduce the size of your sweatshirt without sewing. Using a steam iron can help to make a sweater smaller, but it is important to use caution to avoid damaging the fabric. Things needed for this method are steam iron and iron board.

  • Fill the steam iron with water and set it to the appropriate temperature for the sweater’s fabric.
  • Lay the sweater on a flat surface, and smooth out any wrinkles or bumps.
  • Hold the iron just above the surface of the sweater, and use the steam function to apply a burst of steam to the area you want to shrink.
  • Use your hands to gently pull and shape the fabric while it is still warm and moist from the steam. This will help to set the new shape and size of the sweater.
  • Repeat the process as needed, being careful not to overheat or overstretch the fabric.

The potential problem with this method is that the fabric may be damaged if the iron is set at a high temperature. Before trying this method read the garments care label and use the appropriate temperature.

Method 3: By using a dryer and washer

Before using this method read the review company tag of your sweater. This tag will tell you whether it needs washing treatment or not.

  • Wash the sweater in cold water with a gentle detergent. Don’t use bleach or detergents containing bleach. It could affect the color of your fabric.
  • After washing, remove the sweater from the washer and gently squeeze out any excess water. Do not wring or twist the sweater, as this can cause stretching and damage to the fabric.
  • Place the sweater in the dryer on the lowest heat setting, or on the “fluff” or “air dry” setting if your dryer has one. Be sure to remove any other items from the dryer, as the sweatshirt should have plenty of room to move and tumble.
  • Check the sweatshirt periodically as it dries. When it is about halfway dry, remove it from the dryer and try it on to check the fit. If it is still too big, continue drying until it reaches the desired size.
  • Once the sweater has reached the desired size, remove it from the dryer and lay it flat to air dry completely.
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This method can be risky, the fiber may shrink more than desired and become too small. To avoid this problem check the temperature setting of the dryer. Frequently check the sweatshirt for size. Repeat the process till you get the desired result. No need to sew with all these techniques.

Method 4: By using a hand hemming stitch

If you want to reduce the size of your sweatshirt with simple hemming, you can follow these steps:

  • Try on your sweatshirt and determine how much smaller you want it to be. Mark the areas you want to take in with a fabric pen or pins.
  • Turn your sweatshirt inside out and lay it on a flat surface.
  • Using a ruler or measuring tape, measure the distance from the edge of the fabric to the marking you made in step 1. Divide this measurement in half and mark it with a fabric pen or pins. This will be your new seam line.
  • Sew along the new seam line using a sewing machine or hand-sewing needle and thread. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitch to secure it.
  • Cut off the excess fabric, leaving about 1/4 inch of the seam allowance. To cut the fabric use scissor.
  • Try on the sweatshirt to make sure it fits the way you want it to. If it’s still too big, repeat the process with a smaller seam allowance.
  • Finish the raw edge of the seam allowance with a zigzag stitch or serger to prevent fraying.
  • Finally, turn the sweatshirt right side out and admire your new, smaller fit!

You must read the post about the Best handheld sewing Machines for mending. By using these sewing machines you can make your sweater smaller.

The problem you may face

Making your sweater small with heat could be an effective way to adjust the size of your garment, but there are a few problems you may face during the process.

  • Uneven shrinking: Different parts of the sweater may shrink at different rates, resulting in an uneven or distorted garment. To avoid this turn your fabric inside out and submerge it completely in water.
  • Damage to the fabric: Some materials, like wool, silk, and delicate fabrics, may not react well to boiled water and can be damaged during the shrinking process. By laying a cotton towel on top of your material you can avoid heat damage.
  • Over-shrinking: It’s important to be careful not to make the sweater too smaller. This can result in a garment being too small and unwearable. To prevent this problem periodically check the size of the material that fits your body.
  • Color fading: Hot water can cause the color to fade. Especially this happens in brightly colored garments. This can result in a sweater that looks dull or faded.
  • Loss of shape: Shrinkage can cause the sweater to lose its original shape. Lossing shape could result in a garment that no longer fits well.

Make your sweatshirt smaller by sewing

If you have a sweatshirt that is too big for you and you want to make it smaller using a sewing machine, here’s how you can do it:

  • Put the sweatshirt on and mark where you want to take it in. Make sure to take into account how the sweater fits in the arms, torso, and hips. To measure the size you can use tailor’s tape or a shirt that best fits your body.
  • Turn the sweatshirt inside out and use a fabric pen or tailor’s chalk to mark the excess fabric. Cut the excess fabric, leaving a seam allowance of about 1/2 inch to 1 inch.
  • Turn the sweatshirt right side out and pin the fabric along the markings. Remember to keep the seams straight and even.
  • Using a sewing machine, sew along the markings, removing the pins as you go. Use a straight stitch and backstitch at the beginning and end to secure the seam. Repeat for any other seams you need to sew.
  • Try on the sweatshirt to make sure it fits properly and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Finish the seams by either serging them or using a zigzag stitch to prevent fraying.
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By following these steps and using a sewing machine you can make your sweater smaller.  Remember to be patient and take your time when sewing and insure a neat and professional-looking finish. For more methods in detail watch the video below.

How can you make your sweater small on the go?

Making a sweater smaller on the go can be a bit tricky, as you may not have access to a washing machine or hot water.

  • Layer the sweater: If the sweater is a bit too large, try layering it over a fitted t-shirt or tank top. This will help to create a more snug fit without altering or sewing the sweater itself.
  • Knot the sweater: You can also tie a knot at the back or side of the sweater to create a more fitted silhouette. This works best with sweaters that are a bit oversized and made of stretchy fabric.
  • Use safety pins: If you have safety pins on hand, you can use them to temporarily alter the size of the sweater. Pin the sides or back of the sweater to create a more fitted look.
  • Roll up the sleeves: Rolling up the sleeves of the sweater can also help to create a more streamlined silhouette.

It’s worth noting that these methods are not a permanent solution, and are best used for short-term adjustments. If you’re looking to make more significant alterations to the size of the sweater, it’s best to take it to a tailor or attempt to shrink it with hot water and a washing machine when possible.


You can make your sweatshirt smaller by using one of these four methods given above. Before starting with any method read the company tag on the sweater.

Making a sweater smaller without a sewing machine can be a challenging task, but it’s not impossible. If you need to make your sweater smaller, try some of the tips I mentioned earlier, such as tying a knot, rolling up the sleeves, using safety pins, or layering the sweater over a tighter-fitting shirt.

It’s essential to keep in mind that these methods are temporary solutions and may not provide a perfect fit. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, consider taking your sweater to a tailor or seamstress. He can make alterations to the garment using a sewing machine.

Lastly, if you’re attempting to make significant alterations to your sweater, it’s crucial to be careful and not damage the fabric. Take your time and make small adjustments until you achieve the desired fit. With a little bit of creativity and patience, you can adjust the size of your sweater without a sewing machine.

Frequently asked questions:

It is possible to shrink a sweater or sweatshirt without losing its shape, but it depends on the material and construction of the garment.For example, if the sweater is made of wool or another natural fiber that is prone to shrinking, it may be possible to shrink it by washing it in hot water or putting it in the dryer on high heat. However, this method could also cause the sweater to lose its shape or become misshapen.

On the other hand, if the sweater is made of a synthetic material such as polyester or acrylic, it may be more difficult to shrink it without damaging the fabric. Additionally, some sweaters are designed to be pre-shrunk, meaning that they will not shrink further even if washed in hot water or dried on high heat.

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